Combination treatments

Face & foot Reflexology
90 min £75
Begin by cleansing the face, applying an organic facial oil & gently working the reflex points on the face. Moving to the feet, balm applied to the feet & lower legs, working the reflexes on the feet, giving your wellbeing a thorough work out & deeply relaxing.
Reflexology for Menopause.
90 min £75
Begin by cleansing the face & applying an organic facial oil & working with a specific sequence to support the menopause, moving to the feet, balm applied to feet and lower legs, continuing with a specific menopause focused sequence to restore balance.
Reiki & back, shoulder & neck massage.
60 min £50
Beginning with 30 min Reiki to calm the mind and body, followed by a back, neck & shoulder massage to ease tension out of the muscles.
Reiki & Reflexology.
60 min £50
Beginning with 30 min Reiki, to calm the mind and body, before moving to the feet or face for a 30 min power reflexology.
Reiki & full Reflexology.
90 min £75
Beginning with 30 min Reiki to calm the mind and body, before moving onto a full face or foot Reflexology session.
Reiki. Reflexology. Back, shoulder, neck massage.
90 min £75
Top to toe wellbeing. 30-minute reiki, calming mind and body, moving to the feet for 30 min power reflexology, finishing with a back, shoulder & neck massage to ease tension and soothe tired muscles.
You can also create your own combination treatments to suit your personal health and wellbeing needs.
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